18 January 2017

Personal Life

With the advices of my friends, and PR consultant, a personal chapter.. 
People sometimes think i am a work-o-holic.. Which is not true (in a way :) )
So here is the hobbies, personal life, and some daily pics.. Life between, Istanbul-Dubai-London...

Hanging out with my cousin, most beautiful cousin ever... 

Captain Bora 

work work work work....

Sweet home... 

Nephews, Emilio ve Armando...
Emilio's smile with the uncle :)

 Weekend :) 

Who is the coolest? 
  a) Bora
b) Car
       c) Cat :) :)

Love my red shoe-laces :)

You ain't go to work if you dont take me around...

Open the door, i will come to work with you..
Allright.. Jump in buddy.. :)