01 November 2013

Bora Can Yıldız represented Turkey at the United Nations

Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction running petroleum pipeline and construction projects in the Middle Eastern countries, especially in Iraq, represented Turkey in the Conference ‘World Energy Day’ hosted by the United Nations (UN).

Participating in the World Energy Day Panel held in the headquarters of the United Nations located in New York as the leading speaker, Yıldız addressed a speech with the title of ‘the Use of the Energy Sources and Incomes for the Benefit of Human’. Stating in his speech that there is a crisis not in the field of economy and energy, but in the field of morality, Yıldız said: “It is a great contradiction that poverty and terrorism dominate in the Middle East although the most valuable reserves of the world are extracted in the Middle East. The reason of the crises and terrorism is greed and unfair distribution of income. Only if some part of the revenue obtained from petroleum in the region is spent on art, education and moral values in the relevant countries, then the world can find peace.” Expressing that Turkey is dependent on outside sources when it comes to energy despite of its successful economy, Yıldız said that it was a must to invest in the nuclear and renewable energy, and Turkey took steps in this direction.”

Being one of the founders of Istanbul Young Entrepreneurs’ Association, Yıldız is notable in the Middle East for energy infrastructure and his investments in the petroleum regions. Attracting attention in the UN Conference with the speech he addressed in the session on the evaluation of the energy and economic crisis in the world, Yıldız said that unless the money obtained from energy is distributed to the people in the Middle East fairly, the unrest and wars dominating in the world will not come to an end. Explaining that the occurrence of terrorism is inevitable in the uneducated and poor Middle East given up to the bigot mentality, Yıldız said: “We, as a company, carry out operations related to the energy infrastructure right in the middle of the energy sources in Iraq. We witness that the people in this region struggle for making a living in this huge poverty despite of the rich underground sources. Yet, these regions are pointed as the source of the terrorism in the world. In such countries left behind, especially with the wars and domestic turbulences, the level of education is too low. In order to prevent terrorism caused by bigotry and insufficient education, the money obtained here is invested in the guns and war industries. There is no economy to afford a police station in each street, and every single corner in the world. The money obtained from energy must be spent on the education and infrastructural needs of the people here.”

Drawing attention to the fact that the financial crisis of 2007 affected the entire world, however, the experts could not come up with a solution, Yıldız said: “The machines issued Dollars, Euros and bills of exchange. However, the crisis did not stop. There is a reason why it did not come to an end. It is because there is not an economic crisis; on the contrary, there is a moral crisis in the world. The reason of the crisis was not the securities or precious metals. The reason was the greed, selfishness, egoism and never-ending ambition to save up. Hence, we noticed that we could not achieve anything by investing in the machines, buildings, factories, concrete and iron. In this society where egoism dominates, the crises would not stop even if there were 7/24 monetizing activities. We can find temporary solutions today; however, in a few years greater crises will arise.”

Emphasizing that Turkey took significant steps to diversify the energy sources, Yıldız said: “Turkey has been the fastest growing country among the EU members and OECD countries in the last decade. Despite this, it imports 90% of the energy it needs. The energy need of Turkey will be doubled in 2023. For this reason, Turkey should invest in the clean nuclear and renewable sustainable energy solutions. If Turkey desires to increase its power in the global economy and achieve prosperity, it should accelerate its alternative energy investments.”

Related Turkish Media Links: 

Habertürk Newspaper / The Turkish entrepreneur will share its Iraq experience in the UN

The Turkish entrepreneur Bora Can Yıldız will participate in the World Energy Day Panel to be held in the headquarters of the United Nations in New York on October 22th as speaker. The head of EID Construction running petroleum pipeline and construction process in the Middle East, especially in Iraq will address a speech with the title of “the Use of the Energy Sources and Incomes for the Benefit of Human”.

Dünya Newspaper / The young entrepreneur Yıldız will represent Turkey in the UN

Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction running petroleum pipeline and construction projects in the Middle Eastern countries, especially in Iraq, will represent Turkey in the United Nations (UN). Yıldız will participate in the World Energy Day Panel in the headquarters of the UN located in New York as the leading speaker, and address a speech with the title of ‘the Use of the Energy Sources and Incomes for the Benefit of Human’. The President of NASA Institute, USA Minister of Energy, representatives of the Global energy sector, presidents of more than 20 countries, and more than 30 ministers as well as a great number of ambassadors and diplomats are expected to participate in this conference where Yıldız will address a speech. The proclamation released at the end of the conference has a binding effect in the entire world.

The World Energy Day will be held in the headquarters of the United States located in the New York under the supervision of UN on October 22th, 2013. The first of these conferences was held in 2012 with the main theme of “Safe, Accessible and Sustainable Energy for All”; presidents from 24 counties, more than 60 ministers, a great number of ambassador and diplomats as well as more than 3000 delegates from 89 countries participated in this conference. The UN, World Bank, African Union and Arab League supported and protected this organization. The conference will be organized in New York this year; and once again, a great participation is expected. The participants will discuss a great range of energy matters including technologies, laws, increase of capacity, environmental factors, investments and private/public partnerships, and constitute a course of action afterwards. 

Sabah Newspaper / The Young Entrepreneur will address a speech on energy in the UN

Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction running construction projects in the foreign countries will represent Turkey in the United Nations (UN). Yıldız will participate in the World Energy Day Panel in the headquarters of the UN as the leading speaker, and address a speech on ‘the Use of the Energy Sources and Incomes for the Benefit of Human’.

Star Newspaper / Bora Can Yıldız will represent Turkey in the UN

Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction running petroleum pipeline and construction projects in the Middle Eastern countries, especially in Iraq, will represent Turkey in the United Nations (UN). Yıldız will participate in the World Energy Day Panel in the headquarters of the UN located in New York as the leading speaker, and address a speech with the title of ‘the Use of the Energy Sources and Incomes for the Benefit of Human’. The President of NASA Institute, USA Minister of Energy, representatives of the Global energy sector, presidents of more than 20 countries, and more than 30 ministers are expected to participate in this conference.

Takvim Newspaper / Bora Can Yıldız will represent Turkey

Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction running petroleum pipeline and construction projects in the Middle Eastern countries will represent Turkey in the United Nations (UN). The young entrepreneur will participate in the World Energy Day Panel to be held in New York as the leading speaker. 

Bora Can Yıldız will represent Turkey in the UN

Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction running petroleum pipeline and construction projects in the Middle Eastern countries, especially in Iraq, will represent Turkey in the United Nations (UN). Yıldız will participate in the World Energy Day Panel in the headquarters of the UN located in New York as the leading speaker, and address a speech with the title of ‘the Use of the Energy Sources and Incomes for the Benefit of Human’. The President of NASA Institute, USA Minister of Energy, representatives of the Global energy sector, presidents of more than 20 countries, and more than 30 ministers as well as a great number of ambassadors and diplomats are expected to participate in the conference where Yıldız will address a speech. The proclamation released at the end of the conference has a binding effect in the entire world.

The World Energy Day will be held in the headquarters of the United States located in the New York under the supervision of UN on October 22th, 2013. The first of these conferences was held in 2012 with the main theme of “Safe, Accessible and Sustainable Energy for All”; presidents from 24 counties, more than 60 ministers, a great number of ambassador and diplomats as well as more than 3000 delegates from 89 countries participated in this conference. The UN, World Bank, African Union and Arab League supported and protected this organization. The conference will be organized in New York this year; and once again, a great participation is expected. Many notable persons such as USA Minister of Energy Ernest Moniz, the President of NASA Institute Dr. James E. Hansen, UN Secretary General, permanent representatives of the UN member countries, the ambassadors of many UN member countries located in the USA, the ministers of finance and energy from more than 30 countries, President of the World Energy Forum Dr. Harold Hyunsuk will participate in the conference. The young and successful businessman Bora Can Yıldız will represent Turkey in this significant meeting, and attend to the conference discussions as a speaker. EID Construction, the company of the young entrepreneur Bora Can Yıldız, who is notable for his successful operations in the field of energy and construction in the Middle East, and invited to many international conferences as speaker, breaks grounds in the public buildings, pipeline projects, energy facilities and architectural design actions in 10 countries, especially in the Middle East and Central Asia. 


The participants are discussing a great range of energy matters including technologies, laws, increase of capacity, environmental factors, investments and private/public partnerships, and constituting a course of action. In the first conference held in 2012, a World Energy Day Proclamation bearing signature of 85 countries was released. According to this proclamation, the World Energy Forum agreed to designate October 22th of every year as the World Energy Day. The World Energy Day will serve for the purpose of finding solutions for the energy problems and raising awareness all around the world. The decisions made and matters discussed in the World Energy Day will be observed by all nations and peoples, educational, scientific research, public and private institutions along with the media will be able to access such sources and thereby the energy discussions and developments as well as innovative and inspiring solutions will be supported in the world.

Related Turkish Media Links:

Vatan Newspaper / Bora Can Yıldız: "2,5 Million Dwellings will be built”

$ 36 billion worth investment opportunity in Iraq

Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction running energy and construction projects in the Middle Eastern countries, especially in Iraq, represented Turkey in the Infrastructure Conference held in Dubai. In his speech Yıldız stated:

“Iraq needs 2,5 million new dwellings. The government of Iraq allocated a budget of $ 36 billion for the construction of new dwellings until 2016. 500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road will be built in Iraq next year. The Turkish companies encounter many obstacles due to the tension between the central government of Iraq and Turkey. If the companies go by the book in Iraq, they can get a share from the $ 1 trillion worth market in the medium term.” 

Dünya Newspaper / Bora Can Yıldız: "The infrastructure investments will be increased in Iraq”

Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction represented Turkey in the Infrastructure Conference held in Dubai as a speaker. Stating that the market in Middle East still has a great potential despite of the investments that have already been made, Yıldız said: “Iraq needs 2,5 million new dwellings for the upcoming period. The government of Iraq allocated a budget of $ 36 billion for the construction of new dwellings until 2016. The number of the people dying because of the traffic accidents caused by the infrastructure problems is higher than the people dying in the explosions in Iraq. Iraq is in the search of companies to reconstruct the roads destroyed by the USA tanks. 500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road will be built in Iraq next year. The Turkish companies encounter many obstacles due to the tension between the central government of Iraq and Turkey. Despite this, the Iraqi and Turkish people desire to overcome such obstacles. If the companies go by the book in Iraq, they can get a share from the $ 1 trillion worth market in the medium term.”

There is a political tension 
Underlining that the Iraqi people have never left hospitality behind despite of the wars and poverty, Yıldız said: “Someone who was born in this region and lived here until his 30s has witnessed many wars since the beginning of his life. However, modesty, sharing and hospitality which no longer dominate in the Western countries are in the nature of the people living here. The western companies arriving at this region aim at making money and returning to their countries in a short time. However, the companies must set it as an objective to help the people here in the first place. The Turkish companies and Turkish people are welcomed here due to the common moral values and culture. Due to the tension between the governments, the Turkish companies encounter many obstacles. However, what is to be remembered is that this situation arises from the political reasons. There is a common legacy and history among the Turkish people, Iraqi people and Middle Eastern people. If the brotherhood and unity are achieved once again, the economic stability, safety and peace will be established as well.”

Milliyet / The Turkish Constructors will build bridge and road in Iraq

500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road will be built in Iraq next year. If the government of Iraq and companies go by the book, we can get a share from the $ 1 trillion worth market.
Underlining that the number of the people dying because of the traffic accidents caused by the infrastructure problems is higher than the people dying in the explosions in Iraq, Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction said: “500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road will be built in Iraq next year. If the central government of Iraq and companies go by the book in Iraq, the companies can get a share from the market worth $ 1 trillion in the medium term.”
Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction represented Turkey in the Infrastructure Conference held in Dubai as a speaker. Stating that the market in Middle East still has a great potential despite of the investments that have already been made, Yıldız expressed: “Iraq needs 2,5 million new dwellings for the upcoming period. The government of Iraq allocated a budget of $ 36 billion for the construction of new dwellings until 2016. The number of the people dying because of the traffic accidents caused by the infrastructure problems is higher than the people dying in the explosions in Iraq. Iraq is in the search of companies to reconstruct the roads destroyed by the USA tanks. 500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road will be built in Iraq next year. The Turkish companies encounter many obstacles due to the tension between the central government of Iraq and Turkey. Despite this, the Iraqi and Turkish people desire to overcome such obstacles. If the companies go by the book in Iraq, they can get a share from the $ 1 trillion worth market in the medium term.”

Yıldız explained the market conditions in Iraq to the international investors in the infrastructure conference called "MEED Middle East Iraq Infrastructure Conference" and held in Dubai. Underlining that the Iraqi people have never left hospitality behind despite of the wars and poverty, Yıldız said:

“Someone who was born in this region and lived here until his 30s has witnessed many wars since the beginning of his life. However, modesty, sharing and hospitality which no longer dominate in the Western countries are in the nature of the people living here. The western companies arriving at this region aim at making money and returning to their countries in a short time. However, the companies must set it as an objective to help the people here in the first place.”

Posta Newspapers / Bora Can Yıldız: "Irak is in the search of investors to build dwellings"

Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction represented Turkey in the Infrastructure Conference held in Dubai as a speaker. Underlining that the market in Middle East still has a great potential, Yıldız said: “Iraq needs 2,5 million new dwellings for the upcoming period. The government of Iraq allocated a budget of $ 36 billion for the construction of new dwellings until 2016. The number of the people dying because of the traffic accidents caused by the infrastructure problems is higher than the people dying in the explosions in Iraq. 500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road will be built in Iraq next year. The Turkish companies encounter many obstacles due to the tension between the central government of Iraq and Turkey. Despite this, the Iraqi and Turkish people desire to overcome such obstacles. If the companies go by the book in Iraq, they can get a share from the $ 1 trillion worth market in the medium term.”

Bora Can YILDIZ, the Board Member of ISGID, participated in the Digital Health Summit 2013 as a speaker

In the conference organized with the participation of the Turkey’s leading healthcare institutions, hospitals and international pharmaceutical companies, the main topic was the digital communication and digital Technologies in the healthcare sector. INTRO Group owned by Bora Can YILDIZ has broken many grounds in this field with the international projects recently, and performed a great volume of export in the field of digital healthcare software and digital animation from Turkey to the other countries around the world. Mr. Yıldız shared their projects which are selected to be “Best Practice” both in Turkey and the world with the audience. Furthermore, he addressed a speech highlighting the importance of the content in the digital world. The speech was broadcasted through internet as well.


Bora Can Yıldız explained the market conditions in the Middle East and his investments in the region to the international investors at the Dubai MEED Conference

Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction running energy and construction projects in the Middle Eastern countries, especially in Iraq, said: “Iraq needs 2,5 million new dwellings in the upcoming period. The government of Iraq allocated a budget of $ 36 billion for the construction of new dwellings until 2016. Having successfully represented Turley in many international conferences such as World Economic Forum, World Political Forum, Middle East Energy Conference, the Turkish entrepreneur Bora Can Yıldız told the international investors about the market conditions in Iraq at the infrastructure conference called "MEED Middle East Iraq Infrastructure Conference” held in Dubai.

Underlining that the Iraqi people have never left hospitality behind despite of the wars and poverty, Yıldız said: “Someone who was born in this region and lived here until his 30s has witnessed many wars since the beginning of his life. However, modesty, sharing and hospitality which no longer dominate in the Western countries are in the nature of the people living here. The western companies arriving at this region aim at making money and returning to their countries in a short time. However, the companies must set it as an objective to help the people here in the first place. The Turkish companies and Turkish people are welcomed here due to the common moral values and culture. Due to the tension between the governments, the Turkish companies encounter many obstacles. However, what is to be remembered is that this situation arises from the political reasons. There is a common legacy and history among the Turkish people, Iraqi people and Middle Eastern people. If the brotherhood and unity are achieved once again, the economic stability, safety and peace will be established as well.”

Stating that the bureaucrats and speakers participating in the meeting mentioned the infrastructure problem in general, Yıldız said: “Based on the figures presented by the Iraqi ministers in the conference, 500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road will be built in Iraq next year. 1.5 – 2.5 million dwellings are needed for the upcoming period. All the roads in the southern regions were destroyed by the American tanks. Iraq has 1600 km long road in total. $ 400 million is spent annually for the renovation of such roads. 71% of the people live in the rural areas under difficult circumstances, and at least 3 persons stay at the one bedroom houses. The total goal is decuple the current number of the houses, and for this reason, there is a need for the courageous companies to make long-term investments in Iraq. While the Gross National Product of Iraq was $ 81 billion in 2010, it will be doubled and reach $ 165 billion by 2013. The budget to be allocated for the construction of the new dwelling zones is $ 9.1 billion this year; it will be $ 11.9 billion in 2014; and $ 15.3 billion in 2015. For the construction of new roads, $ 2.6 billion, and for the construction of motorways $ 3.8 billion will be spent. Additionally, the construction of bridge will cost $ 1.1 billion. Iraq has 1200 bridges now; however, 500 bridges will be contracted out in a short time as of this year.”

Big Deal in Iraq: $ 1 trillion worth investment will be made

Bora Can Yıldız said: “500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road will be built in Iraq next year. The companies can get a share from the $ 1 trillion worth market”. 
Underlining that the number of the people dying because of the traffic accidents caused by the infrastructure problems is higher than the people dying in the explosions in Iraq, Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction said: “500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road will be built in Iraq next year. If the central government of Iraq and companies go by the book in Iraq, the companies can get a share from the market worth $ 1 trillion in the medium term.”

Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction represented Turkey in the Infrastructure Conference held in Dubai as a speaker. Stating that the market in Middle East still has a great potential despite of the investments that have already been made, Yıldız expressed: “Iraq needs 2,5 million new dwellings for the upcoming period. The government of Iraq allocated a budget of $ 36 billion for the construction of new dwellings until 2016. The number of the people dying because of the traffic accidents caused by the infrastructure problems is higher than the people dying in the explosions in Iraq. Iraq is in the search of companies to reconstruct the roads destroyed by the USA tanks. 500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road will be built in Iraq next year. The Turkish companies encounter many obstacles due to the tension between the central government of Iraq and Turkey. Despite this, the Iraqi and Turkish people desire to overcome such obstacles. If the companies go by the book in Iraq, they can get a share from the $ 1 trillion worth market in the medium term.”

Yıldız explained the market conditions in Iraq to the international investors in the infrastructure conference called "MEED Middle East Iraq Infrastructure Conference" and held in Dubai. Underlining that the Iraqi people have never left hospitality behind despite of the wars and poverty, Yıldız said:
“Someone who was born in this region and lived here until his 30s has witnessed many wars since the beginning of his life. However, modesty, sharing and hospitality which no longer dominate in the Western countries are in the nature of the people living here. The western companies arriving at this region aim at making money and returning to their countries in a short time. However, the companies must set it as an objective to help the people here in the first place. The Turkish companies and Turkish people are welcomed here due to the common moral values and culture. Due to the tension between the governments, the Turkish companies encounter many obstacles. However, what is to be remembered is that this situation arises from the political reasons. There is a common legacy and history among the Turkish people, Iraqi people and Middle Eastern people. If the brotherhood and unity are achieved once again, the economic stability, safety and peace will be established as well.”

Stating that the his main concern was the infrastructure problem in general, Yıldız expressed that based on the figures presented by the Iraqi ministers in the conference, 500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road would be built in Iraq the following year. Saying that 1.5 – 2.5 million dwellings are needed for the upcoming period, Yıldız said: “All the roads in the southern regions were destroyed by the American tanks. Iraq has 1600 km long road in total. $ 400 million is spent annually for the renovation of such roads. 71% of the people live in the rural areas under difficult circumstances, and at least 3 persons stay at the one bedroom houses. The total goal is decuple the current number of the houses, and for this reason, there is a need for the courageous companies to make long-term investments in Iraq. While the Gross National Product of Iraq was $ 81 billion in 2010, it will be doubled and reach $ 165 billion by 2013. The budget to be allocated for the construction of the new dwelling zones is $ 9.1 billion this year; it will be $ 11.9 billion in 2014; and $ 15.3 billion in 2015. For the construction of new roads, $ 2.6 billion, and for the construction of motorways $ 3.8 billion will be spent. Additionally, the construction of bridge will cost $ 1.1 billion. Iraq has 1200 bridges now; however, 500 bridges will be contracted out in a short time as of this year.”

The infrastructure of Middle East and Iraq is the business of young Turkish businessman

The MEED Middle East-Iraq Infrastructure Conference will be held in Dubai on September 15th, 16th, 17th, 2013. A young Turkish businessman will share his experiences at the summit.

The MEED Middle East-Iraq Infrastructure Conference will be held in Dubai on September 15th, 16th, 17th, 2013. The young Turkish businessman Bora Can Yıldız will be one of the keynote speakers in the conference to be organized with the participation of international petroleum companies, many ministers and senior bureaucrats. 

Being the Vice President and Managing Partner of the EID Construction that is engaged in many infrastructure and superstructure operations in the region, Yıldız will share the business dynamics in the region as well as his experiences regarding his company and in international arena in his speech.

Bora Can Yıldız has participated in many internationally important and prestigious conferences and meetings such as World Economic Forum, Middle East Energy Conference, and World Political Forum as one of the keynote speakers. 

World Political Forum - Istanbul / June 2013

Bora Can Yıldız, the Board Member of ISGID, has participated in the opening session of the World Political Forum as a speaker.
It was the third year of the forum, in which the CEOs of the world’s leading companies, politicians, and academicians participated.
Salih El-Mutlaq, the Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq, Süha Güçsav, the CEO of Akfen Holding, Erdal Aksoy, the Chairman of the Turcas Holding participated in the opening session together with Bora Can Yıldız.
The opening speech of Mr. Yıldız won great recognition;

"What really matter is to invest in human”
Stating that no one could have estimated such a great global crisis, Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction, said that the crisis could not be stopped despite of all these years.

Saying that they figured it out that the crisis would not be overcome with the investments made in gold, money, buildings, machines and industrial facilities, Yıldız noted that what really matter was to invest in human. 

Highlighting that the people are the concrete constituting the societies, Yıldız said that the great empires and economic orders would eventually shatter unless the culture, science, philosophy and moral values improved.

Explaining that 2014 and 2015 can still be saved with some economic precautions such as issuing some bills and bonds, Yıldız expressed that there was no guarantee that no other crisis would occur in the future as long as the despair and selfishness continued.

Yıldız also stated that the people lost their productivity and efficiency in an atmosphere of distrust, ambition and selfishness.
Salih El-Mutlaq, the Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq, gave information on the problems his country had encountered during the process started with the invasion of USA.
Mutlaq said that the literacy rate which had been almost 100% in Iraq went down to 80% after the invasion.
Stating that 50% of the population in Iraq is young, Mutlaq underlined that the education and upbringing of the new generation were the primary matters.Mentioning that it is human to be invested in for the economic development, Mutlaq explained that they were aiming to prepare the young individuals for the future by offering free education.
Telling about the present situation of the economy in Iraq, he said that the national economy, 95% of which was based on petroleum was not quite assuring.
Stating that they wanted to increase and diversify the sources of income, Mutlaq had invited the foreign investors to his country.Mutlaq said that they were ready to cooperate with the Turkish and international companies for the reconstruction of the infrastructure ruined by the invasion of USA.
Drawing attention to the common history and culture between Turkey and Iraq, Mutlaq informed that the trade volume between two countries had reached almost $ 15 billion.

“Azerbaijan is involved in great projects”
Stating that his country is a member of many regional and international institutions in his speech, Sahil Babayev, the Minister of Development of Azerbaijan said that they were involved in great projects in many fields ranging from energy to transportation.
Indicating that Azerbaijan was getting global with the energy lines and railway networks, Babayev stated that the bilateral, regional and international relations were dependent on each other.Explaining that the security problems interrupt the cooperation and development in many fields, especially in economy, Babayev said: “Armenian occupation in the Azerbaijan territory has a negative influence on our economic integration”.
Babayev said that they had achieved significant success recently in terms of increasing the diversity of the income in Azerbaijan economy based on petroleum and natural gas.
Stating that Azerbaijan has a stable growing rate despite of the global crisis, Babayev said that they estimated this year’s growth rate to be between 4% and 5%.

“The world economy will grow by 2%”

Jason J. Nash, the editorial director of the Business Year Turkey, from Australia mentioned the effects of global crisis on the economic growth in his speech.
Stating that the effects of the global crisis still continue, Nash said that they estimated a growth by 2% in the world economy in 2013.
Stating that the growth rate of the developing countries has reached 17% in the last decade, Nash explained that the free trade agreements and international cooperation were important for sustainable development.
Nash also indicated that the probable negative improvements should be watched out in 2014, during the process of overcoming the global crisis.

Karel Janecek, the top manager of RSJ Algorithmic Trade, from Czech Republic mentioned in his speech that the awareness should be raised for the corruption  and irregularities considered to be the common problem of almost all countries. 

Stating that the voting system in democracies are defenseless against manipulation and populism, Janecek said that it was a must for an individual to have necessary knowledge and be equipped with skills in order to participate in the decision process. Janecek suggested the use of “negative votes” so that the voters could determine who they wanted or did not want.