01 November 2013

Bora Can Yıldız represented Turkey at the United Nations

Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction running petroleum pipeline and construction projects in the Middle Eastern countries, especially in Iraq, represented Turkey in the Conference ‘World Energy Day’ hosted by the United Nations (UN).

Participating in the World Energy Day Panel held in the headquarters of the United Nations located in New York as the leading speaker, Yıldız addressed a speech with the title of ‘the Use of the Energy Sources and Incomes for the Benefit of Human’. Stating in his speech that there is a crisis not in the field of economy and energy, but in the field of morality, Yıldız said: “It is a great contradiction that poverty and terrorism dominate in the Middle East although the most valuable reserves of the world are extracted in the Middle East. The reason of the crises and terrorism is greed and unfair distribution of income. Only if some part of the revenue obtained from petroleum in the region is spent on art, education and moral values in the relevant countries, then the world can find peace.” Expressing that Turkey is dependent on outside sources when it comes to energy despite of its successful economy, Yıldız said that it was a must to invest in the nuclear and renewable energy, and Turkey took steps in this direction.”

Being one of the founders of Istanbul Young Entrepreneurs’ Association, Yıldız is notable in the Middle East for energy infrastructure and his investments in the petroleum regions. Attracting attention in the UN Conference with the speech he addressed in the session on the evaluation of the energy and economic crisis in the world, Yıldız said that unless the money obtained from energy is distributed to the people in the Middle East fairly, the unrest and wars dominating in the world will not come to an end. Explaining that the occurrence of terrorism is inevitable in the uneducated and poor Middle East given up to the bigot mentality, Yıldız said: “We, as a company, carry out operations related to the energy infrastructure right in the middle of the energy sources in Iraq. We witness that the people in this region struggle for making a living in this huge poverty despite of the rich underground sources. Yet, these regions are pointed as the source of the terrorism in the world. In such countries left behind, especially with the wars and domestic turbulences, the level of education is too low. In order to prevent terrorism caused by bigotry and insufficient education, the money obtained here is invested in the guns and war industries. There is no economy to afford a police station in each street, and every single corner in the world. The money obtained from energy must be spent on the education and infrastructural needs of the people here.”

Drawing attention to the fact that the financial crisis of 2007 affected the entire world, however, the experts could not come up with a solution, Yıldız said: “The machines issued Dollars, Euros and bills of exchange. However, the crisis did not stop. There is a reason why it did not come to an end. It is because there is not an economic crisis; on the contrary, there is a moral crisis in the world. The reason of the crisis was not the securities or precious metals. The reason was the greed, selfishness, egoism and never-ending ambition to save up. Hence, we noticed that we could not achieve anything by investing in the machines, buildings, factories, concrete and iron. In this society where egoism dominates, the crises would not stop even if there were 7/24 monetizing activities. We can find temporary solutions today; however, in a few years greater crises will arise.”

Emphasizing that Turkey took significant steps to diversify the energy sources, Yıldız said: “Turkey has been the fastest growing country among the EU members and OECD countries in the last decade. Despite this, it imports 90% of the energy it needs. The energy need of Turkey will be doubled in 2023. For this reason, Turkey should invest in the clean nuclear and renewable sustainable energy solutions. If Turkey desires to increase its power in the global economy and achieve prosperity, it should accelerate its alternative energy investments.”

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