01 November 2013

Big Deal in Iraq: $ 1 trillion worth investment will be made

Bora Can Yıldız said: “500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road will be built in Iraq next year. The companies can get a share from the $ 1 trillion worth market”. 
Underlining that the number of the people dying because of the traffic accidents caused by the infrastructure problems is higher than the people dying in the explosions in Iraq, Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction said: “500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road will be built in Iraq next year. If the central government of Iraq and companies go by the book in Iraq, the companies can get a share from the market worth $ 1 trillion in the medium term.”

Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction represented Turkey in the Infrastructure Conference held in Dubai as a speaker. Stating that the market in Middle East still has a great potential despite of the investments that have already been made, Yıldız expressed: “Iraq needs 2,5 million new dwellings for the upcoming period. The government of Iraq allocated a budget of $ 36 billion for the construction of new dwellings until 2016. The number of the people dying because of the traffic accidents caused by the infrastructure problems is higher than the people dying in the explosions in Iraq. Iraq is in the search of companies to reconstruct the roads destroyed by the USA tanks. 500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road will be built in Iraq next year. The Turkish companies encounter many obstacles due to the tension between the central government of Iraq and Turkey. Despite this, the Iraqi and Turkish people desire to overcome such obstacles. If the companies go by the book in Iraq, they can get a share from the $ 1 trillion worth market in the medium term.”

Yıldız explained the market conditions in Iraq to the international investors in the infrastructure conference called "MEED Middle East Iraq Infrastructure Conference" and held in Dubai. Underlining that the Iraqi people have never left hospitality behind despite of the wars and poverty, Yıldız said:
“Someone who was born in this region and lived here until his 30s has witnessed many wars since the beginning of his life. However, modesty, sharing and hospitality which no longer dominate in the Western countries are in the nature of the people living here. The western companies arriving at this region aim at making money and returning to their countries in a short time. However, the companies must set it as an objective to help the people here in the first place. The Turkish companies and Turkish people are welcomed here due to the common moral values and culture. Due to the tension between the governments, the Turkish companies encounter many obstacles. However, what is to be remembered is that this situation arises from the political reasons. There is a common legacy and history among the Turkish people, Iraqi people and Middle Eastern people. If the brotherhood and unity are achieved once again, the economic stability, safety and peace will be established as well.”

Stating that the his main concern was the infrastructure problem in general, Yıldız expressed that based on the figures presented by the Iraqi ministers in the conference, 500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road would be built in Iraq the following year. Saying that 1.5 – 2.5 million dwellings are needed for the upcoming period, Yıldız said: “All the roads in the southern regions were destroyed by the American tanks. Iraq has 1600 km long road in total. $ 400 million is spent annually for the renovation of such roads. 71% of the people live in the rural areas under difficult circumstances, and at least 3 persons stay at the one bedroom houses. The total goal is decuple the current number of the houses, and for this reason, there is a need for the courageous companies to make long-term investments in Iraq. While the Gross National Product of Iraq was $ 81 billion in 2010, it will be doubled and reach $ 165 billion by 2013. The budget to be allocated for the construction of the new dwelling zones is $ 9.1 billion this year; it will be $ 11.9 billion in 2014; and $ 15.3 billion in 2015. For the construction of new roads, $ 2.6 billion, and for the construction of motorways $ 3.8 billion will be spent. Additionally, the construction of bridge will cost $ 1.1 billion. Iraq has 1200 bridges now; however, 500 bridges will be contracted out in a short time as of this year.”

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