01 November 2013

Vatan Newspaper / Bora Can Yıldız: "2,5 Million Dwellings will be built”

$ 36 billion worth investment opportunity in Iraq

Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction running energy and construction projects in the Middle Eastern countries, especially in Iraq, represented Turkey in the Infrastructure Conference held in Dubai. In his speech Yıldız stated:

“Iraq needs 2,5 million new dwellings. The government of Iraq allocated a budget of $ 36 billion for the construction of new dwellings until 2016. 500 new bridges and 4.500 km long road will be built in Iraq next year. The Turkish companies encounter many obstacles due to the tension between the central government of Iraq and Turkey. If the companies go by the book in Iraq, they can get a share from the $ 1 trillion worth market in the medium term.” 

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