01 November 2013

VIP Magazine interview / May 2013

“I always aim for the best and the most accurate”
Bora Can Yıldız is not only young and successful but also has a entrepreneurial spirit, is a sensitive, innovative as well as future-oriented businessman…

Having embraced the motto “always do the best and the most accurate” in the business world, Bora Can Yıldız thinks that the secret of happiness lies behind achieving good works.

Bora Can Yıldız graduated from Kadıköy Anatolian High School and Civil Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University. He has always been into construction. Since his father is also an engineer and architect, his sister is an architect, and his mother is a mathematician, he has grown familiar with this culture.  For this reason, he preferred to study construction.

Carrying out his operations in the field of construction as one of the partners of EID Construction, Yıldız is also a technology fan. Having been interested in technology since his childhood, Yıldız succeeded in turning his curiosity into business due to his entrepreneurial spirit. Now, in addition to his construction company, he also has technology, digital production and communication companies. Yıldız expresses how these companies were established as follows:

“Technology is a continuously growing market, and I have always had an interest in this market. We started our projects with our pocket money when we were in college; however, we have companies at considerable sizes right now. Now we have a company exporting digital production and software from Turkey to America and Europe. Its name is Intro Group. Then, we were engaged in the medical production, which is a niche market. Thereafter, we started to produce for USA and Europe. In a short time, we started to carry out the important production processes of the major advertisement companies there in Turkey. While we were working on the digital production, we established another firm that designs and produces stands within the company. We also set up a factory and got a considerable market share in this field of the sector.”

Stating that they are also engaged in another niche market such as museum construction, Yıldız says that they also get involved in the museum construction sector since their companies united their forces, and adds: “For example, we built the interior of Modern Astana Museum of 36.000 square meters in Kazakhstan from A to Z. That project made a tremendous impression. The companies building museums in England and America started to work with us on their contents. We built museums in Turkey as well. Apart from the building of Nusret Minelayer and Mersin Cyprus Museums, we also had a great part in the construction of PTT museum that will be opened soon. On the other hand, our building activities are also ongoing.We started our journey with the aim of conducting business in the Middle East. We have been operating in Iraq for the last three years.”

Bora Can Yıldız explains why they have chosen the Middle East with the following words:

“Especially Iraq is a country open to complete restructuring. We were in Iraq in old times when nobody was going there, even when people were being kidnapped. Keeping our promises, we earned the trust of people with our operations in Iraq. As I always say, we have two important capitals; the first one is the trust of people, and the second one is our personnel. Right now, we are engaged in the construction of four hospitals as well as a hotel there. We were working on an airport project, and we completed it. We are in the construction phase of various dwellings and business centers.  We also have construction projects to take a start soon such as industrial facilities, petroleum tanks and pipelines”.

“We Want to be included in the List of World’s Key Players”
Being one of the Board Members of ISGID (Istanbul Young Entrepreneurs Association), Yıldız answers our question on where he would like to see himself a decade later: “I do not want to say ‘I wish I did not do it that way’, both morally and strategically. Therefore, I pay attention to what I do. Keeping it all on track, we have plans for the next 5-10 years. However, during the restructuring phase of the Middle East, there are many large scale companies in the world; we want our company to be included in the list of the world’s key player as those companies.”

“I would like to put Middle East out of its misery”
“In the Middle East, there are children who do not have shoes to wear, food to eat. They drink dirty waters and they die just because they consume dirty water, or mothers give birth to blind children because of the radiation emitted by the uranium due to the explosion of the bombs during the wartime. Since I personally witnessed these conditions, I think that it is the most important thing that has to be changed. I am of the opinion that the laic Turkey modal has to be settled as soon as possible, and a powerful unity embracing modern principles as well spiritual values should be established under the protection and support of Turkey in these countries just like it is stated in the will of Ataturk, because it will advance both Turkey and such countries.”

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