01 November 2013

World Political Forum - Istanbul / June 2013

Bora Can Yıldız, the Board Member of ISGID, has participated in the opening session of the World Political Forum as a speaker.
It was the third year of the forum, in which the CEOs of the world’s leading companies, politicians, and academicians participated.
Salih El-Mutlaq, the Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq, Süha Güçsav, the CEO of Akfen Holding, Erdal Aksoy, the Chairman of the Turcas Holding participated in the opening session together with Bora Can Yıldız.
The opening speech of Mr. Yıldız won great recognition;

"What really matter is to invest in human”
Stating that no one could have estimated such a great global crisis, Bora Can Yıldız, the Chairman of the Board of EID Construction, said that the crisis could not be stopped despite of all these years.

Saying that they figured it out that the crisis would not be overcome with the investments made in gold, money, buildings, machines and industrial facilities, Yıldız noted that what really matter was to invest in human. 

Highlighting that the people are the concrete constituting the societies, Yıldız said that the great empires and economic orders would eventually shatter unless the culture, science, philosophy and moral values improved.

Explaining that 2014 and 2015 can still be saved with some economic precautions such as issuing some bills and bonds, Yıldız expressed that there was no guarantee that no other crisis would occur in the future as long as the despair and selfishness continued.

Yıldız also stated that the people lost their productivity and efficiency in an atmosphere of distrust, ambition and selfishness.
Salih El-Mutlaq, the Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq, gave information on the problems his country had encountered during the process started with the invasion of USA.
Mutlaq said that the literacy rate which had been almost 100% in Iraq went down to 80% after the invasion.
Stating that 50% of the population in Iraq is young, Mutlaq underlined that the education and upbringing of the new generation were the primary matters.Mentioning that it is human to be invested in for the economic development, Mutlaq explained that they were aiming to prepare the young individuals for the future by offering free education.
Telling about the present situation of the economy in Iraq, he said that the national economy, 95% of which was based on petroleum was not quite assuring.
Stating that they wanted to increase and diversify the sources of income, Mutlaq had invited the foreign investors to his country.Mutlaq said that they were ready to cooperate with the Turkish and international companies for the reconstruction of the infrastructure ruined by the invasion of USA.
Drawing attention to the common history and culture between Turkey and Iraq, Mutlaq informed that the trade volume between two countries had reached almost $ 15 billion.

“Azerbaijan is involved in great projects”
Stating that his country is a member of many regional and international institutions in his speech, Sahil Babayev, the Minister of Development of Azerbaijan said that they were involved in great projects in many fields ranging from energy to transportation.
Indicating that Azerbaijan was getting global with the energy lines and railway networks, Babayev stated that the bilateral, regional and international relations were dependent on each other.Explaining that the security problems interrupt the cooperation and development in many fields, especially in economy, Babayev said: “Armenian occupation in the Azerbaijan territory has a negative influence on our economic integration”.
Babayev said that they had achieved significant success recently in terms of increasing the diversity of the income in Azerbaijan economy based on petroleum and natural gas.
Stating that Azerbaijan has a stable growing rate despite of the global crisis, Babayev said that they estimated this year’s growth rate to be between 4% and 5%.

“The world economy will grow by 2%”

Jason J. Nash, the editorial director of the Business Year Turkey, from Australia mentioned the effects of global crisis on the economic growth in his speech.
Stating that the effects of the global crisis still continue, Nash said that they estimated a growth by 2% in the world economy in 2013.
Stating that the growth rate of the developing countries has reached 17% in the last decade, Nash explained that the free trade agreements and international cooperation were important for sustainable development.
Nash also indicated that the probable negative improvements should be watched out in 2014, during the process of overcoming the global crisis.

Karel Janecek, the top manager of RSJ Algorithmic Trade, from Czech Republic mentioned in his speech that the awareness should be raised for the corruption  and irregularities considered to be the common problem of almost all countries. 

Stating that the voting system in democracies are defenseless against manipulation and populism, Janecek said that it was a must for an individual to have necessary knowledge and be equipped with skills in order to participate in the decision process. Janecek suggested the use of “negative votes” so that the voters could determine who they wanted or did not want.

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