01 November 2013

The Turkish business warned: “Iraq may be a scene from Black Thursday”

ISGID Member Bora Can Yıldız made a warning: “The logic of ‘Gold Rush’ may turn into “Black Thursday” for some companies in Iraq.

Iraq’s energy future was discussed by the top executives at a 2 day-long meeting. Some matters such as use of the water resources, gas resources, infrastructure, petroleum pipelines, refineries, processing and transportation of the petroleum as well as the energy strategies of the country was handled by the speakers.
Having represented Turkey in the Middle East and Iraq Energy Conference, Bora Can Yıldız, the ISGID Member, discussed the country’s future together with the key players in the region.
The energy resources in Iraq and the projects relating to such resources were discussed in the meeting in which the directors of the world’s most important energy companies such as Shell, Chevron, Lukoil, Crescent, Kogas as well as leading politicians in the region, bureaucrats and businessmen participated.
The second richest oil reserves of the world as well as the tenth richest natural gas resources of the world are located in Iraq. However, being lack of security, logistics, human resources, transportation, bureaucracy and infrastructure can sometimes constitute a problem for the international players in terms of investing in the region.
Thamir Abbas Ghadbhan, the Chairman of the Committee in Iraqi Parliament and former Minister of Oil explained the Integrated National Energy Strategy INES in this meeting. He said that until 2017, they would reach 13 million barrels per day according to the high production scenario, and 9 million barrels according to the medium production scenario; and he stated the milestones relating to these two scenarios. Thamir said that they would produce 10 BSCFD (Billion Standard Cubic Feet per Day) gas in 2017 according to the high production scenario.
Adnan Al-Janabi, the Chairman of Energy and Oil Committee, said that the oil reserves in Iraq reached 200 billion barrels, and $ 1 trillion would be spent on the reconstruction of Iraq, provided that $ 500 billion of which would be spent on the oil and energy infrastructure. He explained that they aim for a capacity of 1.5 million barrels a day as the refinery capacity, and they aim for a capacity of 20 GW as the electricity generation; and that they were making short, medium and long term investment plans in this field, and that the majority of such investments would be made in association with the international energy giants. Bora Can Yıldız who has taken many projects in the region and one of the partners of EID Construction addressed a speech about the region’s future and the difficulties encountered in the region. Sharing his experiences about an airport project they run for the international sector, and two hospital projects they run both for the private and state sector, he explained that different projects had different dynamics in the region.
Stating that the monthly safety expenses of a single construction site may exceed $ 1 million for the international projects they run in the oil regions; however, it costs way less for the projects they run in the city among the people, and that the Iraqi people treat Turkish people so hospitably and closely, Yıldız added: “We are really hopeful about Iraq’s future; the bureaucratic difficulties are natural in a country going through reconstruction, that’s why, we should be understanding. However, the companies entering in the region must have a strong financial balance and be prepared for the unexpected.
It is companies’ duty to contribute to the development of the Iraqi people and Iraqi employees. They should also make a contribution with the social projects. However, they should not do it just for show; they should do because they want it from the heart.
Unfortunately, some international companies and professional personnel working in the region aim for high revenues in the short term. However, this causes a great damage both for the country and themselves in the long term. The companies aiming to serve Iraqi people must be long lasting, because these modest and humble people deserve it. Otherwise, the gold rush may turn into a black Thursday situation for such companies”.

Bora Can Yıldız, the Vice President of EID Construction running many construction projects in the region stated in his speech that it is possible to encounter difficulties while conducting business in Iraq due to the regional dynamics.  Yıldız said: “The amount of the processed gas production corresponds to 587 MMSCFD (million standard cubic feet per day) in Iraq today; however, more than twice this amount is burnt off just because there is not enough facility to process gases. While burning twice the production amount, they import one third of their gas need. With a $ 40 billion worth investment to be made in the field of gas in the next years, $ 500 billion revenue will be gained from the gas, and saving on the oil which is used for the energy generation and corresponds to $ 50 billion, the total revenue will be $ 550 billion. For the record, it is amount to be gained only from the gas.” He added: “If some companies in the region mistake these opportunities for gold rush and do not take the national dynamics into account, and focus on the short term operations, and especially do not respect the local culture there, the step they take with the intention of gold rush may turn into a ‘black Thursday’ for them.”

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